Who are we?

Looking at the Essay films presented I get a slight understanding of how to construct one whilst still being creative.
In its general format, an Essay film follows a certain structure:
  • It begins with a topic in need of stirring social conversation
  • It constructs visuals( a montage), those historical or consecutive in which the story is seen on screen.
  • The voice over is easy to follow and coherent in speech.
  • The video images and voice over do not match to the exact word but images reflect the message being said.
  • The music heard sets the mood and tone of the video, often creating an ambiance.
  • No matter the film, it always leaves its audience feeling

With this said how can this link in with my own work. How can this reflect my own style even though I am working in a group? What does the use of music images and a voice say about how we are as a species, country, nation, organism.

Although this is not a conventional film where the images are directly linked and sinked to what is being said, I definitely feel that the approach that would flow well is a cinematic style in which the visuals are clear and the story’s beginning middle and end flows seemlessly.